Experiencing Apple Vision Pro and Rokid Max Pro: A Brief Review and Development Insights


In today’s rapidly advancing AR technology era, Apple Vision Pro and Rokid Max Pro, as two advanced AR glasses, have attracted the attention of many developers and tech enthusiasts. Below are some of my brief impressions and experiences during the usage and development of these two devices.

User Experience

Rokid Max Pro

  • Operating System: Rokid Max Pro uses the Android operating system, and its UI is very similar to that of an Android smartphone, making it easy for users to get started.
  • Field of View Limitation: The field of view is relatively narrow, which affects the immersive experience.
  • SLAM Technology: Rokid Max Pro relies on visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), which fails at night, posing limitations when developing nighttime applications.

Rokid Max Pro

Apple Vision Pro

  • Operating System: It continues Apple’s consistent UI style—simple and intuitive.
  • Field of View and Immersion: The field of view is wide, providing a better immersive experience. However, prolonged use can cause fatigue, and fast camera movements may result in 3D dizziness.
  • SLAM Technology: It relies on radar technology, making SLAM more reliable, even functioning well at night.

Apple Vision Pro

Development Insights

Hand Tracking

  • The hand tracking on Vision Pro is faster and more reliable, making it smoother to develop gesture-based interactive applications.

Development Tools

  • Both devices use Unity as the main development tool, which is convenient for developers, allowing them to fully utilize existing resources and plugins to speed up the development process.

Documentation and Community Support

  • Rokid does better in terms of development documentation and community support, providing developers with abundant resources and communication platforms to quickly resolve development issues.

Rokid Max Pro


Overall, both Apple Vision Pro and Rokid Max Pro have their strengths and weaknesses. Vision Pro excels in visual experience and technical stability, making it suitable for developing high-quality and stable AR applications. On the other hand, Rokid Max Pro offers an affordable price and excellent development documentation support, providing a friendly development environment for developers. Regardless of which device you choose, both allow developers to experience the endless possibilities of AR technology.

This is my brief and rough sharing of Apple Vision Pro and Rokid Max Pro. I hope it helps everyone.