Childlike Vision - The World Through the Eyes of an Autistic Child


This playful installation art project combines p5.js, shaders, and a camera on a toy tricycle to showcase the world through the eyes of an autistic child. Through modern programming and graphic technology, the audience can experience and understand the unique sensory perspective of autistic children.


  • Client: Nanjing University of the Arts
  • Date: 2023/08/29
  • Category: Installation Art
  • Responsibilities: Programming Development

Project Introduction

This project blends playful installation art with interactive technology, aiming to explore and present the world through the eyes of a child with autism by combining p5.js, shader technology, and a camera installed on a toy tricycle. The art installation captures and processes real-time footage from the camera, utilizing rich visual effects and graphic processing to reveal a unique perspective. The core of the installation is to convey, through digital art, the distinct sensations and perceptions that autistic children experience in daily life, allowing the audience to experience and understand this unique worldview. The entire project is not only aesthetically pleasing but also deeply humanistic, hoping to raise awareness of autism and promote understanding and acceptance of autistic children.


Demo Video